Escalib Mills


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Site spiral staircase with side exit…

The Escalib Mills MDS (Safe Erection and Dismantling) is a metal spiral staircase with side exit. The triangular step then acts as a landing. Turn the Escalib Mills stair tower through 90° until slab of the steps is level with the working deck. The stair tower is constructed using a base, 1 to 8 modules that are easy to erect using a crane and a barrier gate at the top (maximum height 20 m10).
Erection using only collective protection (no safety harness) is simple and fast: just 4 nuts per module. Each module has foldaway barrier gates that are attached at one end.
The Escalib Mills tower can be moved by crane.
Its small footprint makes it easy to set up even in cramped sites.

Escalib-MDS_dessin_contre-plongee_940x500Advantages :

  • Easy, safe access (all the levels can be accessed without modification).
  • Erection and dismantling using collective protection with built-in guardrails (no safety harness).
  • Fast installation and mobility.
  • Compact footprint.
  • Only three different one-piece sections.
  • Can be moved by crane.
  • Compatible with Escalib 2- and 3-rail models.
  • Tough and galvanised (powder coated finish also available).

See the technical documentation Escalib Mills MDS :


See the technical documentation Escalib Mills MDS (bolted module):


See the movie of Escalib Mills Kit (bolted modul) for export:


A gain of productivity and safety : the Escalib can be easily and safely moved from place to place and is used to create access to various slab level with minimal effort.

Quelques exemples de chantiers :